Glossary > Discount Realty Discount Realty is the process of providing Discount Real Estate services to buyers and sellers. The Discount Realty prt of the market provides an important function, making the cost of getting listings into the MLS more affordable.
Discount Realtor
Glossary > Discount Realtor A Discount Realtor is a Discount Real Estate Agent who is a member of the local Board of Realtors. The Board of Realtors is a professional organization of agents who share listing date through the MLS.
Discount Real Estate Agent
Glossary > Discount Real Estate Agent A Discount Real Estate Agent is an agent who specializes in providing discount real estate listing services to their clients.
Discount Real Estate
Glossary > Discount Real Estate Discount Real Estate is the area of specialization for Discount Realtors and Discount Brokers providing services to buyers and sellers for a reduced fee. Typically, services include listing the home in the MLS.
Discount Broker
Glossary > Discount Broker A Discount Broker is a real estate broker who specializes in providing home listings services for discounted fees. A full commission Realtor can take up to 4% for only one side of a transaction, our Discount Broker services are only 1%. This saves buyers a substantial amount of money in selling […]
Buyer Real Estate Agent
Glossary > Buyer’s Real Estate Agent A buyer’s real estate agent is an agent working on behalf of the buyer side of a transaction. It is possible for agents to have what’s called dual agency, meaning they are representing both buyer and seller. Buyer’s agents, on the other hand, do not have the inherent conflict […]